

Thursday, June 23, 2011

wishing for pockets full of sunshine

The weather in Boston has been anything but nice today. Raining cats and dogs doesn't even begin to describe it, even pouring buckets doesn't do it justice. And I don't know about you, but when the weather is bad, the last thing I want to do it go out. While my roommates don't share my feelings on staying in, it gave me a chance to cross multiple things off my never ending to-do list (something I feel I haven't been able to do in forever). With my trip to D.C. rapidly approaching it was the perfect opportunity to get some laundry done, wash my sheets and clean my apartment. Now I'll be able to come home to a clean apartment, fresh sheets and breath a sigh of relief. Don't you just love that? :)

Another important task that's been looming over my head for the past week has been my thank you notes from graduation. So many of my amazing friends and family were able to make it out for the party and I of course wanted to thank them. I don't know about you, but being surrounded by so much texting, emailing, Facebook messages and everything else makes me love hand written notes that much more. And think about how nice it is to get something delivered the old fashioned way- right to your mailbox- that isn't a bill or junk mail.

Remember how I said that I've become a bit of a paper snob since I started working at Papyrus- well that fact became all the more apparent when I sat down to write my notes. Not only did I have 3 styles of thank you notes to choose from, but also an assortment of colored paper and coordinating envelopes. Don't they look just like Valentine' s Day?

And my thank you notes just happened to all coordinate with my party invitations. How perrfect <3

A little late but a recent pink donut that literally made me squeal with excitement. The newest addition to my Kate Spade stationary collection. Just a little bit obsessed ;) Thank you Jillian <3


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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